Informal Gatherings THE YPRES TIMES 25 In our last issue we reported the first two gatherings, and so in this report I will confine my remarks to the two more recent ones, that is the concert presented by Capt. H. D. Peabody, D.C.M., and the lectures given by Capt, Frewin, R.N., of the Navy League. An excellent programme was given at the concert by Mrs. Peabody and some members of the Enfield College of Music, and we are grateful to them for having come, at their own expense, such a long distance. All the artistes were Please book these dates in your Diary. THE MONTHLY FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY MARCH will be held at THE BEDFORD HEAD HOTEL, MAIDEN LANE, STRAND, W.C.2 on THURSDAY, 21ST JANUARY, 1932. Illustrated Talk on Arras and the Somme," by Mr. R. S. Beck. THURSDAY, i8th FEBRUARY, 1932. Programme by 85th Club." THURSDAY, 17TH MARCH, 1932. (St. Patrick's Day) Programme by a friend. From 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Will you start the year 1932 well by paying us a visit at our Gathering on Thursday, 21st January, 1932. A very hearty welcome awaits you and any ex-Service friend whom you may wish to bring along. Full particulars of the Gatherings will be sent by the Hon. Secretary, London County Com mittee, to a friend on receipt of name and address. Ladies are cordially invited. encored for their selections, and little Miss Brownie Peabody was very warmly received when she gave several recitations. The com munity singing was, as is always the case, a specially welcome item, and the singing of the League Song, Tramping Along," with chorus, really brought down the house, the chorus being demanded again and again. I am afraid it was rather a late hour when the audience dispersed, feeling that they had had a most enjoyable evening. The lecture given by Capt. Frewin, R.N., was also a great success, the breezy manner of the lecturer, and the splendid views shown, all helped to make the story of Zeebrugge real, and the fact that we were privileged by the presence of several of the members of that expedition, one of whom gave a few instances of what actually happened, made the lecture a great success. We shall hope to hear Capt. Frewin again at some future date. A hearty vote of thanks to the lecturer was passed and the audience rose to sing For he's a jolly good fellow in appreciation. At the close, the Hon. Alice Douglas Pennant said what a great pleasure it was to be there with the London members, and she expressed her gratitude to Capt. Frewin for his wonderful lecture. In reply Capt. Frewin said that he had never enjoyed giving a lecture so much as he had that evening when he had met so many who also had served their country. We are grateful to Capt. Peabody, who pro vided the lantern, and to Mr. Ordish who had so kindly manipulated same. On Thursday, December 17th, the programme was arranged by our old friend Mrs. Heap, but as this issue is going to press before the Gathering the report must perforce be held over until our next issue. In closing this short account of part of the work of the London Committee, I would like to say how pleased we all are to see the popularity of the meetings, and to express the hope that the members will do all they can to obtain new members so that the numbers attending may be increased. All who served at Ypres are welcome, and we want each member to do his, or her, best to enroll all. H. D. P. EIGHTH ANNUAL CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY. This glorious event, from the Junior's point of view, will take place on Saturday, January 9th, 1932, at the Westminster City School, 55, Palace Street, Victoria Street, S.W.I, which has been again kindly lent by the Governors of the School and to whom we extend our very grateful thanks. The object of this party is to strengthen the Junior Division. Junior members are admit ted to the party free, and a limited number of friends wishing to attend will be charged 6d. each. Last year there was a record attendance which we hope will be exceeded. Application for tickets should be made not later than January 7 th. Tea commences at 4 p.m., followed by a ventriloquist entertainment by Mr. Douglas Craggs. To some children, this is the only treat enjoyed during the festive season, and it is hoped that members will do all they can to give us their support and make this annual event a great success. There will be a Christmas Tree,


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1932 | | pagina 27