League Secretary's Notes 54 THE YPRES TIMES TO OUR NEW MEMBERS. We are pleased to say that quite a number of •old Ypres warriors have joined up as members during the past quarter, and we take this opportunity to heartily welcome them into our ranks and look forward to the interest and sup port these new members are able to give in widening the aims and objects of the League. There are many ex-soldiers with proud memory of the Immortal Salient who by right should belong to the Ypres League, and we should be very grateful if our new members can help us to get in touch with these prospective candi dates. Membership forms can be had by apply ing to Headquarters. In fact, all members of the League should see that they are in possession of pamphlets and enrolment forms. The Ypres Times has proved valuable propaganda in aid of recruiting, and it is always possible that a few back copies of the Journal may be obtained for this purpose, free of cost, from the Head Office. We have in the past appealed for articles suitable for publication in the Ypres Times, and we take the liberty to do so again in the hope that some of our new members possess the literary ability to pen some of their war experi ences. Battle articles or those of humorous vein are particularly acceptable. Referring again to the important work of recruiting, we would like to draw your attention to the prizes offered on page 51. Judging by the success of the 1931 competition, we feel that the present one will also be very popular and keenly contested. We look forward to the pleasure of your kind support. TO OUR BRANCH SECRETARIES AND CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Our praise for the first quarter of 1932 goes to Purley, who have welcomed in the New Year by recruiting 25 new members, and a report of the Branch's reunion dinner appears in Branch Notes. We are indebted to Mr. E. A. R. Burden for kindly accepting the chairmanship of the Branch for 1932, and we cannot express suffi cient gratitude to Major Graham Carr and mem bers of the Branch committee who continue to be untiring in their successful efforts to increase the membership of the Ypres League. The London County Committee have been outstanding in the success of their monthly informal gatherings which play am important part in keeping the London members together and Mr. J. Boughey deserves congratulations on the organization of these gatherings which have become such a popular feature in the League's activities in London. We would like to thank our Corresponding Members who have helped in the work of recruiting, especially Captain E. Clark Williams, F.S.A.A., who has recently taken over the duties of our Corresponding Member for Heme Bay. Last month we were honoured by a visit from Mr. Will R. Bird, our Corresponding Member at Amherst, Nova Scotia, and, considering the short time at his disposal in London, it was very generous of him to call at Headquarters. Despite the temporary depreciation of the sterling abroad, 1932, promises quite a busy travel season, judging by the inquiries received. We have to thank our Branch Secretaries and Corresponding Members for the free publicity they have been kind enough to get for our travel, by approaching the editors of their local press, a service to the League which cannot be over-estimated, because those who travel under the auspices of the Ypres League invariably join up as members as well as recommending our travel facilities to others. Apart from the annual Easter, Whitsuntide and August Bank Holiday Pilgrimages, we are arranging a party to the unveiling of the Arras and Thiépval Memorials on May 15th and 16th respectively. On May 20th a party of the 85th Club to Ypres, then a special service at the British Church of St. George, Ypres, on June 5th, travel for which is being organized by the League. There is also a prospect of the 5th London Field Ambulance making another tour under our auspices in August. In conclusion, may we convey to all our indefatigable workers sincere thanks and all good wishes to their good endeavours to help the League, and they can always be assured of earnest support from Headquarters. YPRES LEAGUE TIE. At the request of the majority of our members we have been pleased to produce the tie in better quality silk and in a darker shade of cornflower blue relieved by a narrow gold stripe. The price is 3s. 6d. post free, and all members of the League should possess one. Applications to the Secretary, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, London, W.i.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1932 | | pagina 24