Informal Gatherings ANNUAL MEETING The East Yorkshire Regiment. 57 BEDFORD HEAD HOTEL, Maiden Lane, Strand, W.C.2 LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE THURSDAY, APRIL 21st, 1932 Bedford Head Hotel, Maiden Lane, Strand, THE YPRES TIMES A very successful dance was held on February 25th, at the Veteran's Club, and the London County Committee was very grateful for the kind support which was. given on this occasion. REUNION DINNER AND DANCE. The London County Committee have pleasure to announce that the Eighth Annual Reunion Dinner will be held on Saturday, April 30th, at the Royal Hotel, Woburn Place, W.C.i. For particulars see page 61. The success of this function depends on individual members and the support they, are so kind as to give by advertising the reunion, because a record attendance is desired. Application for tickets, together with re mittance (price 7s. per ticket) should be sent to the Hon. Secretary, London County Com mittee, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, W.i. Members are asked to apply for tickets not later than April 27th. LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE These will be held at the on THURSDAY, APRIL 21st, 1932. THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1932. THURSDAY, JUNE 16th, 1932. From 7 to 10 p.m. Members and friends are earnestly requested to support these Monthly Gatherings, not only by their own presence, but by advertising them amongst their friends. Particulars will be sent to any friend on the name and address being supplied and, members are urged to help all they can in this direction. Ladies cordially invited. THE of the will take place on at the W.C.2, at 7.15 p.m. The business will be to receive the Report of the London County Committee for the past year and to elect the Committee for the ensuing year. Members are earnestly requested to attend, and the Committee will be glad to receive any suggestions to further the interests of the League in the London area. Should any members have proposals to make, will they please forward them to the Hon. Secretary, London County Com mittee, Ypres League, at 9, Baker Street, W.i, prior to the date of the above meeting. Two important addresses for all old East Yorkshiremen The Editor, The Snapper," Erith, Buckhurst Road, Bexhlll-on-Sea. The Regimental Journal, The Snapper," is published monthly, price 4d. post free. Sample copy free on request. The Secretary, The Old Comrades Association, Victoria Barracks, Beverley. The O.C.A. exists to help those who want help and to keep up old friendships by annual reunion dinners.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1932 | | pagina 27