INFORMAL GATHERINGS 122 THE YPRES TIMES Visit to the Houses of Parliament. On Saturday, July 16th, a very pleasant afternoon was spent when 84 members and friends of the League availed themselves of the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament. The party was divided into two groups and conducted over this most historic building, each room being fully explained in detail by our guides to the great interest of the party. Time passed only too quickly, but it is hoped that oh some future occasion we may have the chance to arrange a further visit. We express our very sincere thanks to our Chairman, Lieut.-General Sir W. P. Pulteney, for his kindness in making the event possible and much gratitude is also due to Captain E. L. Elliott who left nothing undone to make the afternoon such a success. Tenth Annual Smoking Concert. October brings a most important fixture namely, the Annual Reunion Smoking Concert, to be held on Thursday, October 27th, at the Caxton Hall, Caxton Street, Victoria Street, S.W.i. The chair will be taken by Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., etc. Among the guests who have already accepted invitations to be present are H.E. The Belgian Ambassador, Lieut.-Colonel H. Nerincx, Military Attaché, Belgian EmbassyColonel R. Voruz, Military Attaché, French Embassy Colonel C. Parker, Military Attaché, American Embassy General Sir W. C. C. Heneker, K.C.B., etc.Lieut.-General Sir W. P. Pulteney, G.C.V.O., etc. Lieut.-General Sir H. Uniacke, K.C.B., etc., and Colonel Sir Donald C. Cameron, K.C.M.G., etc. Doors will be open at 7 p.m. and the Concert commences at 7.30 p.m. The programme is being provided by "The Gossips" Concert Party, who have been specially engaged for the evening, and we anticipate a very excellent entertainment. Community singing will be a feature of the programme. The Annual Concerts held in the past have been splendidly attended, so we trust that we shall see another record function this year, which naturally depends on individual support. We therefore ask everyone to do their utmost to make the reunion widely known, and the Committee appeals to members to contribute their share by not only being present themselves but also by bringing a friend. Cornflowers will be on sale at the Hall, price 2d. each, and every one present should wear this Ypres League emblem. Applications for tickets, price 5s., 2s. 6d. and is., including tax, should be made as soon as OF THE LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE OF THE YPRES LEAGUE WILL BE HELD AT THE BEDFORD HEAD HOTEL, MAIDEN LANE, STRAND, W.C.2 From 7 to 10 p.m., on the following dates Thursday, October 20th, 1932. Thursday, November 17th, 1932. Thursday, December 15th, 1932. Programmes are being arranged for the above mentioned dates, full particulars of which will appear in the Press and in Gathering notices sent out by the Hon. Secretary. We extend a very hearty welcome to all members and their friends who wish to attend the Informal Gatherings, and an invitation will be sent by the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, to any friend on receipt of the name and address. Ladies are cordially invited.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1932 | | pagina 28