208 THE YPRES TIMES beside him, saying: That was a near one," but the man was dead. What had merely felt hot to Brown had killed the man working shoulder to shoulder with him. Earlier in the day, Brown had been digging next to the R.E. sergeant, when a German sniper crawled out of his trench to a favourably placed shell hole in front of his line. This was too much for the sergeant, who seized his rifle and took careful aim, saying as he did so, I'll get that blighter," but before he had time to fire the sniper had got him through the forehead. He turned his face to Brown and his lips moved, but a film passed over his eyes, and the words were never uttered. He also had passed on. The time arrived when Brown found himself alone in front of the wood. The thought that he was entirely alone facing the might of Germany gave him a momentary feeling of panic, though not many yards away were the remains of an English Brigade. He climbed out of his trench and ran for the wood, with bullets aimed at him cracking in his ears; but he arrived safely, and found shelter in a little trench occupied by two men of another company of his battalion. Here he was on the fringe of the wood, with an uninterrupted view of the enemy lines. Ere long the German artillery concentrated on the wood, till it seemed that nothing could live in it. The ground rocked, and even the air rocked as the heavy shrapnel burst overhead with loud crashes and great black clouds of fantastic shape. As Brown looked back into the wood he saw a shell burst above a little trench occupied by four men of his own company. Each one of them flung his arms into the air, and fell face downward on the parapetdead. As the earth rocked and swayed, a giant oak not far distant received a direct hit. Half the tree rose into the air and then came to earth with what must have been a mighty crash, but which was unheard in the dreadful din. Then Photo [Imperial War MuseumCrown Copyright HIGH WOOD, SEPTEMBER, 1916.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1933 | | pagina 18