THE YPRES TIMES 248 FRIENDSHIP. A company went into action on the West ern front. They were badly cut up. When the remnant got back to their trenches one boy discovered that his pal was missing. He asked his officer if he might go out into No- man's-land to look for him. The officer said "Yes, you may go, but it isn't worth it." The boy went, and in a little time re turned mortally wounded. Before he died he said to his officer "It was worth it, sir, for when I reached him he said 'I knew you'd come.' That is friendship. BELATED RETURN OF WAR-TIME LETTER. Mr. A. Brown, of East Street, Leigh, has just received a letter from the War Office which he posted to a Mr. Arnold, who was postmaster at Leigh during the War. Mr. Brown took the letter in the trenches, but was wounded, and he lost his tunic con taining it. It has now been returned to him by a Berlin solicitor, who discovered the letter in the tunic, which he found on the Menin-Ypres Road.The Times, July 8th, LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE. The London County Committee commence a new session of their activities. The chief events are the monthly Informal Gatherings held on the third Thursday of each month from 7.15 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Bedford Head Hotel, Maiden Lane, Strand, W.C.2. These meetings are organized with the object of maintaining the spirit of fellowship and good comradeship of the war and to bring the Ypres League's objects before others with a view to increasing its membership. These monthly gatherings involve considerable spade work so we trust that members will do their best to make the functions known in order to provide good attendances. The Hon. Secre tary will be glad to forward a notice to any one interested. Programmes for the coming season have been arranged and we thank all who have generously offered their support, also those who have assisted us so well in the past. Two or three dances will be held during the coming season, also several lantern lectures of special interest and we look for ward to the success of these popular events. Eleventh Annual Re-union Smoking Concert. The London County Committee Smoking Concert will take place on Saturday, October 28th at the Caxton Hall, Caxton Street, Victoria Street, S.W.I. Major Montague Jones, O.B.E. (Chair man of the London County Committee) will take the Chair, and amongst those who have accepted invitations are the following H. E. The Belgian Ambassador; H. E. The French Ambassador; H. E. The American Ambassador; Major A. Nyssens, Military Attaché Belgian Embassy; Colonel R. Voruz, Military Attaché French EmbassyLieut- Colonel Cortlandt Parker, Military Attaché American Embassy; General Sir Hubert GoughGeneral Sir W. C. G. HenekerLieut- General Sir W. P. Pulteney; Major-General C. P. DeedesThe Rev. G. H. Woolley and Major W. H. Brooke. Doors will be open at 7 p.m. and the Concert commences at 7.30 p.m. An excellent programme is being arranged under the direction of Mr. A. E. Nickolds, and a very enjoyable evening is anticipated. Community singing of the old war-time choruses will again be a feature of the programme. We want another record gathering and individual help is needed to make this important annual function known amongst those who are not members of the League and who may be pleased to attend. If any members are unable to be present themselves, might we suggest that they be so kind as to purchase a ticket to help the funds of the London County Com mittee. Cornflowers will be on sale at the Hall, price 2d. each and we ask everybody to wear this Ypres League emblem. Application for tickets, prices 1/-, 2/6 and 5/- (including tax) should be made as early as possible to the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee Ypres League, 20, Orchard Street, W.l. Ladies are cordially invited. A limited number of tables can be re served for parties of four and upwards on payment of 2/- per table on the 2/6 tickets, and 2/6 per table on the 5/- tickets. Latest date for application is October 21st. In conclusion, we very much hope that October 28th will see a record attendance and that the function will surpass all previous efforts. See page 254. Obituary. Since the last Informal Gathering in July we regret to announce the death of one of our most loyal supporters in London, namely Mr. C. Stocker. Mr. Stocker never failed to attend the League's activities and took a great


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1933 | | pagina 26