Ypres Times Maintenance Fund THE YPRES TIMES 53 rebuilding the College and equipping it with modern appliances. The R.S.P.C.A. too, have opened an Animals' War Memorial Dispensary in Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, and over 6,000 animals were treated there during 1932. The Dispensary is designed and equipped on modern lines to provide every facility for the efficient treatment of the sick animals, and the secretary is always pleased to show visitors around. On the outside of the building there is a tablet inscribed This building is dedicated as a Memorial to the countless thousands of God's humble creatures who suffered and perished in the Great War 19141918. Knowing nothing of the cause, looking forward to no final victory, filled only with Love, Faith and Loyalty, they endured much and died for us. May we all remember them with grati tude, and in the future commemorate their suffering and death by showing kindness to living animals." In this age of mechanisation the rising generation are apt to overlook the sacrifice made on our behalf by the War Animals. We should, therefore, make it our duty to tell our sons and daughters about these silent battlefield comrades of ours. By so doing we shall inculcate a greater love and understanding in the human heart for all dumb creatures; thus, even as we now enjoy the peace and quiet of England given us by our fallen comrades, so will the animals of to-day and to-morrow reap the benefit of their fellow-creatures' sacrifices. P. S. B. I OUR January edition of the Ypres Times contained a copy of a letter that had been received at Headquarters from one of our most loyal members, namely Mr. E. F. Williams of New Brighton, offering a suggestion backed by his own initial contribution for raising funds for the maintenance of the popular League journal. Since Mr. Williams' letter was published we have been touched by the ready response by many other members supporting his proposition and we wish to record here how immensely grateful we are to those who have so generously extended us such encouraging support. We have pleasure to reproduce below a few of the many letters received. Several members have urged us to establish a fixed charge per quarter for the journal but while appreciating very much indeed their kind sentiment, the Committee wish to point out quite clearly that there is no intention whatever of considering any official charge over and above the annual membership subscription of 5/- and that any support generously extended to us under this heading must be entirely voluntary and such amounts received to be added to the sum already on deposit at the bank for this specific purpose.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1934 | | pagina 23