1934 Recruiting Competition Branch Notes 58 THE YPRES TIMES IN view of the popularity and immense success of the past three recruiting competitions, we have great pleasure to announce that A FURTHER PRIZE OF £5 will be awarded this year as follows TO THE BRANCH RECRUITING THE GREATEST NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS IN 1934. All membership forms completed must be received at Headquarters bearing on the top left-hand corner the name of the branch responsible for the recruitment. LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE. Informal Gatherings. The London County Committee have pleasure to report continued good attendances at the monthly informals, organised to pro mote the spirit of fellowship and re-union of ali who have the welfare of the Ypres League at heart. We feel immensely grateful to the staunch supporters who have done so much to make the Gatherings so regularly successful during the first quarter of the New Year. At the January meeting we had pleasure to welcome Commander H. M. Denny, who gave an exceedingly interesting talk in the Navy in Gallipoli. Our grateful thanks are ex pressed to Commander Denny and also to the Navy League for so kindly arranging the lecture. On Thursday, February 15th, we enjoyed an admirable entertainment by the St. Dunstan's Singers under the personal direction of Miss E. McCall. Every item on the programme was excellently rendered and the party is deserving of our warmest thanks. In March we were indebted to Captain H. D. Peabody, D.C.M., who was so kind as to deliver a lecture and showed us some of his wonderful collection of slides in which all who served in the Ypres Salient were deeply interested. We beg to remind our members and friends that the Informal Gatherings are being held on the third Thursday in April, May and June at the Bedford Head Hotel, Maiden Lane, Strand, W.C., from 7.15 p.m. to 10 p.m. Our old and esteemed friends of the 85th Club come to us on April 19th and hope we may welcome them with a full house when Mr. F. Underhill, Chairman of the Club, will preside. London members will be pleased to know that Captain C. Alliston and Air. Thrussell, who have been on the sick list for a consider able period, are progressing favourably. We wish them both speedy recovery and hope they will be able to join with us in our re-unions in the near future. ANNUAL RE-UNION DINNER AND DANCE. The London County Committee have pleasure in announcing that the tenth Annual Dinner and Dance will take place on Saturday, April 21st at the Royal Hotel, Woburn Place, W.C.I., when the Chair will be taken by General Sir Hubert Gougli, G.C.A1.G., K.C.B., K.C.V.O. (see page 02). The Committee look forward to the co-operation of all London members to ensure the success of the function. Application for tickets, together with remit tance (price 7s. per ticket, double 6s. 6d.), should be sent to the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, Ypres League, 20, Orchard Street, W.l. Alembers are asked to apply for tickets not later than Aprl 18th.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1934 | | pagina 28