SMOKING CONCERT 1934 Recruiting Competition Saturday, October 27th, 1934 93 Informal Gatherings. Another successful season is drawing to a close, and our gratitude is extended to the many staunch helpers who have come forward to give us such enjoyable evenings. These Gatherings, held for members and friends at the Bedford Head Hotel," Maiden Lane, Strand, on the third Thursday of each month, continue to be well attended and revive in no small way the good fellowship of the war. On Thursday, April 19th, an excellent enter tainment was provided by our good friends of the 85th Club, over which their able Chairman, Mr. F. Underhill, presided. The two following monthly Informals in May and June were of an impromptu character and we were agreeably surprised to discover such marked talent avail able. We thank all who gave their valued services, and look forward to hearing them again in the future and also others who may be kind enough to add similar support. The organizing of a fresh series of Informal Gatherings involve considerable work on the Committee, and any kind offers from members and friends expressing their willingness to arrange an evening's pro gramme would indeed be very greatly appre ciated. On behalf of the Committee and all its London members we extend heartiest congratulations to our esteemed Patron, Viscount Wakefield of Hythe, on the honour recently bestowed upon him by His Majesty the King. The London County Committee record with deep regret the loss of two great friends, namely, Major J. R. Ainsworth-Davis, former Chairman of the Committee, and Lieut.-General Sir Herbert Uniacke, both of whom displayed very keen and valued interest in the London func tions, which have profited greatly by their help and presence. The London County Committee express their grateful thanks to Mr. W. C. Parker for the admirable way in which he carried out the duties of M.C. for the Dance that followed the Re-union Dinner. Dances. Arrangements have been made for dances to take place at the Veterans' Club, Hand Court, Holborn, W.C.I, on Friday, November 23rd, 1934; Wednesday, January 23rd; and Friday, March 8th, 1935. Full particulars will be announced later. PLEASE RESERVE THIS DATE. THE TWELFTH ANNUAL REUNION (Organised by the London County Committee) will be held on at 7.30 p.m. IN Caxton Hall, Caxton St., Victoria Street, S.W. 1 Tickets 1/-, 2/6d„ 5/- (Including Tax) Now available The support of all members is earnestly solicited as we hope very much to record a bumper attendance this year. Full particulars will appear in the next October edition of the Ypres Times." COLCHESTER. Obituary. We deeply regret to record the sudden death of Captain C. P. Thomas, a very active member of our Colchester Branch Committee. It will be remembered that the success of the first Annual Ball held by the Branch last year was very largely due to his fine organising ability, and by his death we have lost one of the keenest sup porters. The funeral was attended by the following members of the Branch, who took a wreath composed of irises and cornflowers Capt. A. S. Palmer, Mr. M. McKinley, Mr. A. Wooton, Mr. D. Shadrach, Mr. S. C. Nixon and Mr. H. Snow. IN view of the popularity and immense success of the past three recruiting competitions, we have great pleasure to insert a reminder that A FURTHER PRIZE OF £5 will be awarded this year as follows TO THE BRANCH RECRUITING THE GREATEST NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS IN 1934. All membership forms completed must be received at headquarters bearing on the top left-hand corner the name of the branch responsible for the recruitment.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1934 | | pagina 31