We reproduce the first of a series of sketches on the humorous side of the German South West African Campaign, 1914/15, and other sketches will appear in future editions of the Vpres Times," IF you WO iT HAVE. NOUHl'lHme.sT, FiRST SPEND AM HOUA o R Two wiTh iT "in This Ik "u# WAV. AfTer ThaT, TRy a tew hunoreo Rounds on VT, Vdu N\ay Then have knockeo off enough k SPLHmTers To a f\ _)V NiE.AU. ON NO ACCOU NT SHOoud you aTte_n\pT To BÏTe. IT. is noi ME.ANT To be. eaTe.n. o tv account or iTs bulleT- troof naTUre.. ano aen e.r al i no 'sTrucTiBiLiTy, WE. suec,e ST ThaT IT ""I 4 H o u uo Jj BE USED To PRoTecT EARTH WORKS on The. 7onTi e.nT. CHIEF^'V'Ti^ iNCREDIENT7 I ^CERENT.. These pictures explain why the authorities were so particular about the teeth of intending volunteers. Another excellent way of softening these biscuits is to use dynamite. [Reprinted by the courtesy of the Argus Printing and Publishing Company, and with the compliments to the author, Mr. W. H. Kirby. H ffi M "0 w ir> h W in


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1935 | | pagina 15